
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

नायक नायिकाको पारिश्रमिक नेपाली सिनेमामा

नायकको पारिश्रमिक नेपाली सिनेमामा

लामो समयसमय चलचित्र उद्योगमा टिकीरहेका सदावहार नायक राजेश हमाल सुपरस्टारका रुपमा परिचित छन्। झण्डै १८ वर्ष अगाडि आफ्नै मामा दिपक रायमाझीको चलचित्र युगदेखि युगसम्मबाट अभिनय सुरु गरेका राजेशले पछि अरुका चलचित्र पनि खेल्न थाले।

त्यसपछि उनले चलचित्रमा खेलेबापत लिने रेट पनि बढ्दै गयो। एकसयभन्दा बढी चलचित्र खेलेका राजेशले अहिले एउटा फिल्म खेलेबापत तीनलाख रुपैयासम्म लिने गरेका छन्। उनको यो रेट चलेको केही वर्ष नै भइसक्यो। निर्माता जय प्रकाश रिजालको चलचित्र हामी तीन भाईमा काम गरेवापत राजेशले तीन लाख पारिश्रमिक लिएका थिए।

चलचित्र निशानामा राजेश चार दिनका लागि अनुबन्ध भएपनि तीन दिनमै काम सकियो। त्यसबापत उनले एक लाख ९० हजार लिए।

तीनलाख सम्म पारिश्रमिक लिने राजेश सबैभन्दा महंगा नायक भने होइनन्। उनलाई उछिनेका छन्, अहिलेका व्यस्त नायक बिराज भट्टले। भोजपुरी चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरेवापत त बिराजले आठदेखि १० लाखसम्म नै लिने गर्छन्।

नेपाली चलचित्रमा पनि उनको रेट तीनलाख भन्दा बढी छ। पछिल्लो चलचित्र ‘सलाम छ मायालाई’ मा उनले सवा तीन लाख लिए। चलचित्र खुकुरीमार्फत सिने जगतमा छिरेका मार्शल आर्टका खेलाडी बिराजले खुकरी र ‘उनको सम्झना’मा त सित्तैमा खेले।

पछि अग्नीपथ र दुर्गामा खेलेबापत क्रमश २१ हजार र ४१ हजार पाए। त्यसपछि उनले हिम्मत र जीवनदातामा झण्डै ८०/८० हजार लिएर काम गरे। देवरबाबु र किस्मतसम्म आइपुग्दा उनको रेट दुई लाख पुग्यो। नसिव र तोडमा त उनले ३ लाख २५ हजार नै लिए। अहिले उनी त्यहीं रेटमा यथावत छन्।
अर्का जल्दाबल्दा नायक निखिल उपे्रतिको रेट पनि राजेश हमालको भन्दा बढी छ। भोजपुरी चलचित्रमा १० लाखसम्म पारिश्रमिक लिने निखिलले नेपाली चलचित्रमा भने तीन लाख लिन्छन्। निशाना र भुलभए माफ गरमा उनले तीन लाख पारिश्रमिक लिए। पहिलो पटक चलचित्र पिञ्जडामा खेलेबापत नै उनले ७५ हजार पारिश्रमिक लिएका थिए। कुरुक्षेत्र र हामी तीन भाई लगायतका चलचित्रमा त उनले झण्डै एकलाख नै लिए।
नायकबाट बाटोमुनीको फूलको निर्देशन तिर लागेका दिलीप रायमाझीले चलचित्र आदिकवि भानुभक्तमा पहिलोपटक सित्तैमा खेले। उनले त्यसअघि समूहमा नाचेबापत ८ सय रुपैया लिन्थे।

त्यसपछि हिट भएको चलचित्र दर्पण छायाँमा उनले ५० हजार लिए। तर अहिले उनको रेट करिब २ लाख छ। चलचित्र निशानामा काम गरेबापत उनले एकलाख ९० हजार लिए। आफ्नै होम प्रोडक्सनमा बनेको चलचित्र माया नमारबाट आएका नायक रमित ढुंगानाले दुई लाखसम्म पारिश्रमिक लिएपनि अहिले उनको रेट घटेको छ।

चलचित्र धडकनमा रमितले ८० हजार लिएका थिए। मिसन पैसा, धुम, माया त माया हो, भुलभए भाफ गर चलचित्रमा खेलेका नायक सुरज आरडीले पचास हजारमा सहमति गरेका चलचित्रमा ८ हजार मात्रै पाएका थिए। सुरज आरडीको अहिले कुनै रेट छैन। उनी चलचित्र निर्माणमा व्यस्त छन्।

चलचित्र पर्खीबसेबाट अभिनय सुरु गरेका आशलाग्दा नायक राजबल्लभ कोइरालाले अहिले एक लाखको हाराहारीमा पारिश्रमिक लिन्छन्। अर्का नवनायक आर्यन सिग्देलले पहिलो चलचित्र किस्मतमा डे्रसको मात्र पैसा लिएपनि अहिले उनको रेट डेढलाख छ।

अर्का पुराना नायक आफ्नै चलचित्रमा व्यस्त छन्। उनले अरुका चलचित्रमा निर्माता अनुसार पैसा लिन्छन्। ७ वर्षअघि चलचित्र जिद्दीमा महंगो पारिश्रमिक लिएका भुवनले पछि चलचित्र चोर सिपाहीमा एकलाख २५ हजार लिएका थिए।

नेपाली चलचत्रिमा अहिले नवनायकको प्रवेश पनि बढ्दो छ। बिराज भट्टका आफ्नै भाई नवनायक कृष्ण भट्टले खेलेको एउटामात्रै चलचित्र सलाम छ मायालाई मा ५१ हजार पारिश्रमिक लिए। नेपाली चलचित्र उद्योग सानो छ। थोरै लगानीमा चलचित्र बन्छन्। त्यसैले नायकहरुले लिने पारिश्रमिक पनि थोरै नै छ। जुन पारिश्रमिकबाट उनीहरु सन्तुष्ट छैनन्। (श्रोत: एबीसी टेलिभिजन)

नायिकाको पारिश्रमिक नेपाली सिनेमामा

नेपाली चलचित्र उद्योगमा पारिश्रमिक आधारमा तुलना गर्दा नायकको तुलनामा नायिकाहरु बढी पिडित देखिन्छन।

नायिकाहरुले त कैयन फिल्ममा खेलेबापत पैसा नै पाउदैनन्। पाउनेहरुले पारिश्रमिक पनि नायकहरुको भन्दा कम छ। अहिलकी सबैभन्दा महंगी नायिका हुन् रेखा थापाले पनि पहिलो चलचित्र हिरोमा एकसुका पनि पाइनन्।

पछि चलचित्र अकालसम्म आइपुग्दा उनको रेट डेढ लाख पुग्यो। अहिले रेखाले एउटा चलचित्रमा दुईलाखसम्म पारिश्रमिक लिन्छिन्। आफै चलचित्र बनाउने र आफै खेल्ने समेत गरेकी रेखाले एउटा चलचित्रमा नायिका निरुता सिंङलाई लिदा पनि राम्रै पारिश्रमिक दिएको दावी गर्छिन्।

नेपाल टेलिभिजनबाट प्रसारण हुने टेलिचलचित्र चेतनाबाट आफ्नो अभिनय यात्रा थालेकी अर्की व्यस्त नायिका रेजिना उप्रेतीले त्यतिबेला २६ हजार लिएकी थिइन।

रेजिनाले अरु नायिका जस्तो पहिलो चलचित्रमा सित्तैमा अभिनय गर्नु परेन। पहिलो चलचित्र आफ्नो मान्छेमा अभिनय गरेवापत ५० हजार लिएकी थिइन्। तर अहिले भने रेजिनाको रेट बढेर दुईलाख सम्म पुग्ने गरेको छ। सम्बन्धका आधारमा पनि फिल्म खेल्ने भएकाले रेजिनाले कहिलेका“ही एक लाखमा नै पनि चित्त बुझाउनुपरेको छ।

सुन्दर र सदाबहार नायिका मेलिना मानन्धरले आफ्नो रेट त एकलाख २५ हजार तय गरेकी छिन्। तर उनले एउटा चलचित्रमा खेलेबापत एकलाख सम्म पाउने गरेकी छिन्।

तीनदर्जन बढी चलचित्रमा खेलिसकेकी मेलिनाले भूल भए माफ गरमा एकलाख पाएकी थिइन्। पहिलो चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरेबापत मेलिनाले जम्मा दुई हजार पारिश्रमिक पाएकी थिइन्। त्यो पनि दशैं खर्च भनेर मात्रै।

व्यस्त नायिकाकै कोटीमा पर्ने नायिका ऋचा घिमिरले अहिले एउटा चलचित्रमा खेलेबापत एकलाख २५ हजार सम्म लिने गरेकी छिन्।

नायिका ऋचाले अबदेखि चलचित्रमा मुख्य भूमिकामा मात्रै अभिनय गर्ने समेत निर्णय गरेकी छिन्।
अर्की हिट नायिका अरुणिमा लम्सालले पनि पहिलो चलचित्रमा सित्तैमा नै खेलेकी थिइन्। दोस्रो चलचित्रमा पनि उनले ५ हजार पारिश्रमिकमा चित्त बुझाउनुपर्‍यो।

३५ वटा फिल्ममा खेलिसकेकी अरुणिमाले भोजपुरी चलचित्रमा खेलेबापत २ लाख लिने गरेकी छिन्। नेपाली चलचित्रमा पनि उनले आफ्नो रेट दुई लाखसम्म भएको दावी गर्छिन्।

२०६५ सालमा श्याम भट्टराईसंग पारपाचुके गरेपछि एक्लो जीबन बिताइहेकी नायिका रञ्जना शर्माले सुरुमा कैयन चलचित्रमा सित्तैमा खेलिन्। तर अहिले भने प्रत्येक फिल्ममा ५० हजारसम्म लिन्छिन्।

करिव ५ बर्ष अघि नेपाली चलचित्रमा प्रवेश गरेकी नायिका नन्दिता केसीले झण्डै दुई दर्जन चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरेकी छिन्। उनको अहिलेको रेट ५० हजार छ।

चलचित्र निशानामा खेलेबापत उनले ५० हजार पाएकी थिइन्। कुनैबेला व्यस्त र महंगा भनिने नायिकाहरु करिश्मा मानन्धर र निरुता सिंह अहिले चलचित्रमा देखा पर्न छाडेका छन्।

उनीहरुको रेट त्यतिबेला पनि डेढलाख थियो। तर कमाई राम्रो नर्भएका कारण करिस्मा अमेरिकातिर हान्निइन् भने निरुता पनि अरु कामतिर लागिन्। नायकहरुको भन्दा कम पारिश्रमिक पाउने र आर्थिक शोषण हुनेगरेकाले नायिकाहरु नेपाली चलचित्र उद्योगमा लामो समय टिक्न सकेका छैनन्। (श्रोत: एबीसी टेलिभिजन)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Film 'Kick' to remake in Hindi :-

After Wanted and Dabangg Salman Khan is about to take his image as the action hero to yet another level. He will be seen doing breath - taking stuns in his upcoming new movie 'Kick'. It'a a remake of 2009;s biggest action hit in Teluge. The movie is to be produced by the sajid Nadiadwala.

For kick Salman will be trained by the French maestro of onscreen action Philippe Guegan. Philippe's credit for action and special effects include such international blockbusters as The Transporter, The Kiss Of The Dragon, Rush Hour 3, Taken and Hitman. 

The star will reportedly undergo martial arts training and will also learn kickboxing for his role. Besides stunts, ‘Kick’ will have dollops of humour, and Nadiadwala is learnt to have roped in Abhijat Joshi, the co-writer of Munnabhai flicks, to pen the script.

Sajid Nadiawala's action film Kick was on hold until the producer and Salman could come to an understanding on how to take the action sequences to the next level. Initially the plan was to get Vijay, who did the stunts in the Telugu version of Kick, to do Salman's stunts in the adaptation. However Salman felt the only way his action sequences in Kick could go beyond Wanted and Dabangg was to get someone of international calibre. 

Upcoming movie of Salman Khan:
Bajirao Mastani:      
   Salman Khan,  Rani Mukherjee,  Kareena Kapoor

Amar Akbar Anthony (Status: stalled):
   Salman Khan,  Arbaaz Khan,  Sohail Khan
Sahib Biwi Aur Ghulam:
   Salman Khan,  John Abraham,  Priyanka Chopra

Tom And Jerry:(Status: Announced):      
   Salman Khan,  Govinda

Ready:(Pre Production):                         
    Salman Khan,  Asin Thottumkal

I Am Hariprasad :           
  Salman Khan

Partner 2 (Status: Scripting):                    
  Salman Khan, Govinda, Katrina Kaif

Be positive - No entry Part 2(Status: Pre Production):
 Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, fardin Khan, Lara Dutta, Esha Deol, Celina Jaitley

Kick(Status: Announced):
  Salman Khan, Sonakshi Sinha

Prem Kaa Game(Status: Pre Production):
 Arbaaz Khan, Salman Khan, Tara Sharma

Kohinoor(Status: Pre Production):
  Genelia D'Souza, Kapil Chopra, Katrina Kaif, Salman Khan

Andaz Apna Apna 2(Status: Announced):
  Salman Khan, Amir Khan

Love U... Mr. Kalakaar(Status: Filming):
 Amrita Rao, Madhoo, Salman Khan, Tusshar Kapoor

Paris(Status: Pre Production):
 Salman Khan

Deepika Padukone Salman Khan together as Bodyguard Movie Cast:-

         Salman Khan Upcoming Next Release in 2010 named “Bodyguard” which is another South Film Remake produce by law Atul Agnihotri and directed by the south indian film director Siddiqe. Hot Deepika Padukone will play lead opposite Hot Bollywood Hunks Salman Khan. She will be having Salman Khan as her bodyguard. Salman Khan has confirmed playing the lead role but Deepika is not sure yet.       
        The malayalam version of "Bodyguard" already entertained the viewer in March, 2010. In the Malayalam version of Bodyguard, South Indian actors Dileep and Nayantara were in the lead roles.
       The story is about a young boy who gets fascinated by people with courageous quality and serves like a bodyguard but the movie comes on interesting way when the one businessman hired him for his lovely daughter.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bhuwan KC’s son Anamol to walk on his father’s steps

         The youngest son of Bhuwan KC is going to act in a movie with his father. Bhuwan KC and his son Anamol will act as father and son in a home production movie called ‘Sathi ma Timro’. Anmol will be lunched opposite to the popular Neapli Actress Rekha Thapa.        

      Bhuwan wanted at least one of his siblings to work in films for which he has found Anamol interested and capable. His older son Bivek and daughter Kajol are studying in the US. Anmol K.C is studying in grade 10 and is apperaring in SLC exam this year. Apart from acting Anmol is also intrested in singing. He like to sing rock and pop songs.
       Anamol’s debut movie will be directed by Shiva Regmi and is based on the story of Bikash Acharya and Brajesh Khanal. Rekha Thapa and Richa Ghimire are chosen to lead in actresses role and Sambujit Baskota will compose music for the movie.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Batch No -16 Nepali Movie Promo

First look Nepali film trailer - Kathmandu

Palpalma - Hot Nepali Film

       Movie directed by the Ukesh Dahal 'Palpalma' was dragged into a controversy during the shooting.The movie was widely publicized with photos and posters of bed scenes featuring Ramit Dhungana and Sujata Sitaula. Due to the hot scenes in the movie, the censor board has barred viewers, below 16 years of age, from watching the movie.
       ‘Palpalma’ is about male sex workers and deals with sexual relationship between people. The bold scenes, never been seen before in a Nepali movie, will surely make it a hot cake among Nepali adults.The movie revolves around the lives of the wives of ‘Lahure’, who go to foreign lands to work. Lahure wives and male prostitutes are the main characters in the movie. Palpalma wants to cash in the fact that it is the first Nepali movie to feature male prostitute.
        Debut movie of director Ukesh Dahal, and produced by Mr. Harihar Acharya, the movie is told to have a new taste and fresh concept. The movie is even expected to set a new standard in Nepali Movie Industry.The movie features Ramit Dhungana, Dilip Rayamajhi, Rupa Rana, Sujata Situla, Dilip Gautam, Suman Singh, Bikrant Basnet, Usha, Sashi Khadka, Asim Rana etc.  

First animation film in Nepal:

      We had seen some animation in Nepali movies lately but there is not a single fully animated movie in Nepali movie history.
     Tulsi Ghimire is planning to make a new record by producing a fully animated movie name Gautam Buddha. Ghimire has brought in students from Lalitkala Campus in a studio in Thapathali to start drawing the characters of the movie.
    Ghimire told that the works for the movie has been going on for the last seven months and it is expected that the movie will take another six months to finish. The movie is targeted to the foreign audience and will feature the life of Gautam Buddha.

Historical profile of Nepali Cinema:

       Filmmakers and critics in Nepali movie industry have still been divided as to whether the history of Nepali movie begins from Satya Harischandra or Aama. Some argue that Satya Harischandra was not the first Nepali movie for two reasons: It was not produced in Nepal: all the work of this historic film was done in Darjeeling, India, and it was dubbed from an Indian movie of similar name. If we look back at the history of Indian movies, we find Satya Harsichandra to be the first movie produced in any Indian language.
          However, filmmakers like Tulsi Ghimire claim that Satya Harishchandra was a genuine Nepali movie. Some argued that giving Satya Harischandra the status of the first Nepali movie would be an insult to the palace as it was a film produced by a Dalit. Even after the abolition of monarchy, the Kollywood has not been ready to recognize it as the first Nepali movie on the ground that it was not produced from Nepal. If we take Satya Harischnadra as the first Nepali cinema, then the history of cinema in Nepal is 59 years long.
      Aama, released almost 14 years after Harischandra’s release, is officially recognized as the first Nepali movie. Aama was produced under the initiative of the palace to promote the Panchayat polity under the then publicity department’s film division and was released in 2022 BS. King Mahendra himself had invited its director Hirasingh Khatri from Mumbai, India, and Khatri left Kathmandu after making three pro-Panchayat films—Aama, Paribartan and Hijo, Aaja, Bholi. All the artistes of these films were Nepali nationals.
       Maitighar, the first commercial film made by the private sector, set the tone for the real development of the film industry. Nanda Kishor Timilsina had a crucial role in making of Maitighar. B. S. Thapa was the director of the first commercial movie that starred Mala Sinha and C P Lohani. However, Maitighar did not prove to be a source that could bring about vigorous private sector in making films. Only Juni, produced 18 years after Aama, could inspire the private sector to be involved in filmmaking.
       The black and white Nepali movies turned to colour by the time Kumari was produced. It was rather a slow pace in which the film industry moved forward. Seventeen years and only five films!
       By the 1980s, the private sector almost completely replaced the government sector productions. Some of the best Nepali films like Jivan Rekha, Kanchhi, Chino etc. were produced in the 1980s. Filmmakers who had been to Mumbai earlier contributed to the development of Nepalese movies. Prakash Thapa and Tulsi Ghimire played a key role in this regard.

Simosh’s next project – M2M (Mechi to Mahakali)

Simosh Sunwar is starting another ‘Mega Project’ after the success of the latest release ‘First Love’. Simosh’s is now busy in direction of new movie, M2M (Mechi to Mahakali) which will be a action movie featuring new actor Resh Marahatta.
     Simosh told that the only confirmed actor is Resh marahatta and he is supposed to bring a foreign actress to lead in M2M.
Simosh and Shyam Bhattarai are currently busy in post production of upcoming ‘Hollywood style’ action movie Challenge. Yes, Shyam is the same director who told to have received Rs. 10 lakhs for the movie. Now, with the success of First Love, Simosh should demand more than that for working in Challenge.

Adventure Nepali Movie - In Search of Yeti (Yeti ko Khojima) - Promo

Yeti ko Khojima – In Search of Yeti

          For the first time in the history of Nepali Cinema, this movie “Yeti Ko Kojima” (In search of Yeti) features character animation. The movie is the first movie produced under the banner of Visual Production P. Ltd. The movie was previously screened in theaters outside the capital city. The movie was first shown in August, 2008 in Korea, in Malaysia on June 2009 and in Brunei in July 2009.
        The movie is produced by Taekwondo sportsman and actor Laxman Subedi and is directed by Santosh Dhakal. The movie is shot in remote areas of Langtang, Mustang, Magdey, Tanahu, Siklesh of  Kaski, Annapurna range, Pokhara and Kathmandu. The actors of the movie are Laxman Basnet, Divyaswar Gautam, Sunita Gandarva, Pamela Alisa Santrele etc.
The movie had received DCine Award, 2066, before it was released publicly. The movie features English subtitles and 5.1 surround sound mixing.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ajay Devgan gets grungy makeover for 'Golmaal 3′

       Ajay Devgan worked in Golmaal & its sequal Golmaal 2. Ajay acted superbly in both movies his co-stars. Comedy becomes popular after the Golmaal released. Now its time for another one. Golmaal 3 up coming next comic chapter under the Shree Ashtavinayak Cinevision Ltd's. Ajay Devgn is all set to show off his new look for this movie. This time Ajay has gone all out to bring out his edgy and rugged style with diamond ear studs, tattoos and cropped hair. His new look had been conceptualized by director Rohit Shetty. Rohit has even styled the other cast members of the movie like Kareena Kapoor's tomboy look, Tusshar Kapoor's tapori look and Arshad Warsi's look which is yet to be disclosed.
        Ajay Devgen  has been working hard on his body  lot now a day so he will have flaunting his body in movie.He plays a hyper character who loses his temper very quickly, because of which everyone is scared of him. People never know what he will laugh about or get angry about.”

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara - Upcoming Hindi Film

           Zindagi Na Milegi  Dobara  is an upcoming Hindi film, from the makers of Dil Chahta Hai and Rock On.The movie is directed by Zoya Akhtar and produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani of Excel Entertainment. It will star Hrithik Roshan, Abhay Deol and Farhan Akhtar. The female roles are played by Kalki Koechlin and Katrina Kaif where the latter is said to be paired with Hrithik Roshan. The music will be composed by Shankar Ehsaan Loy..

        Earlier, Imran Khan and Ranbir Kapoor were rumoured to be a part of the film, but they declined because they wished to star together in their own production. The film is a male bonding road story, about four friends, on the lines of Dil Chahta Hai. Shooting will take place at various locations such as Spain, Greece, Turkey, Thailand, the UK and India.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nepali dance by Salman Khan and Karishma Kapoor



       Manisha Koirala started her film career with a Nepali film 'Pheri Bhetaula' 1989. That was before she went to Bollywood, where she once was the top actress. Now she is back in Nepal, shooting for her upcoming Nepali film "Dharma" directed by Dipendra K. Khanal.         Manisha is going to act in the lead actress role in ‘Dharma’, opposite to Rajesh Hamal. Apart from Manisha, Rajesh Hamal, Nikhil Upreti will also act in lead actor roles and Madhav Acharya, Anu Shah and Shankar Acharya as supporting actors role in the movie
    According to the director Dipendra K Khanal the film is entirely based on the ola and the new generation gap. The movie can be an eye opener for the both generation and message to the people to understand for supportion to their family.
     This movie is the second production of Aasma Production House. Before the director Khanal had directed the movie called "Yugh Dhekhi Yugh Samma" from the same production house.

Come Back of Namrata Shrestha:

       After the release of a scandalous video in September there had been various speculation about Namrata Shrestha  film career. Many had forecast ed the end of her film career. Now forgetting all the bad publicity she started acting again to prove them wrong .She is coming back in a strong role of a drug addict based on the life of Ekata Mahat.
      Ekata started taking drug at the age of 14. After two years of rehabilitation efforts she could finally fight the urge for the drug. Learning from her own life, she started organizing drug abusers and help them fight it.
For Namrata, the role of Ekata would be very challenging and demanding. It is told that Namrata has already started studying the behavior of drug addicts and she is planning to visit rehabilitation centers soon.
     Namatra also coming with her another new movie named "Miss U" along with actor Dilip Rayamajhi in which, Namrata Shrestha will be the leading actress. The movie under the direction of Suresh Darpan Pokharel will also feature new comer Barun Rana. Barun has acted in a number of music videos before and he has also acted with Namrata in a music video of Mallika Karki, ‘yeti dheri mancheharuko bhidma…’. The music director of the movie is Babu Bogati.
    The movie will start its shooting from Singapore and Malaysia soon. Namrata has signed in for Rs. 400,000 and Barun will get 125,000 for the movie. The movie is told to cost about Rs. 10 million.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Nepsydaz+Pachi Lagnu Pardaina FT. Duke,Hakim,Preeti Kaur,Dj Yuwa

Da Nepsydaz:

       Da Nepsydaz is one of the leading hip-hop/rap bands in Nepal. Initially there were four members in this group—Mistah K, Zero Level, Manas and Schizo. These four members first called themselves Da Nepsythugs. Thanks to a fellow rapper, their group name was changed to Da Nepsydaz. They released their first album, KTM Reality, but this album did not find success in the difficult Nepali music market because of the poorly developed rap scene in Nepal.
     After the fourth member, Schizo, quit the group, the remaining three kept on struggling to promote hip-hop in Nepal. They released their second album, Made In Nepal. The cover song, Chudaina, which was a remix of the song of a popular band 1974 AD, was a hit. Another song titled Maya also found a lot of success in the music industry, and this song won the title of 'Best vocal performance by a group or a duo' at the Tuborg Image Awards 2006.


Dasdhunga - Nepali documentry film trailer.


       Kagbeni is a 2008 Nepali movie, loosely based on the W. W. Jacobs' 1902 horror short story The Monkey's Paw. Kagbeni is the directorial debut of Bhusan Dahal. The name of the movie is taken from a tourist place Kagbeni situated in the valley of the Kali Gandaki, which is a 2-hour side trek from Muktinath.

The filmmakers brought high-definition digital cameras from Silken Imaging, an American company, that was just trying out. The cast and crew set off to Jomsom in October 2006 and shot for thirty days non-stop in Kagbeni, Jomsom, Marpha and Shyang.
The camera is as big as a CCTV and does not use tapes for recording. Instead, it saves everything on a hard disk and has inferior image quality compared to film. There were some technical problems in the making of the film as it was the first time the film makers were using the camera. They had to walk a few hours to a cyber café to ask the company for instructions.
     Kagbeni was expected to be a trend-setting Nepali film with new taste of technology and story for Nepali audience, which it did to some extent. Although the cinema halls didn’t see the response as was expected, it started off really good with new director and actors. Dahal was a music director and this was his debut film. Similarly, Saugat Malla and Deeya Maskey are well known theatre actors. Nima Rumba is a popular singer. The movie was hyped for its sizzling kissing scene between the two lead actors.

  • Saugat Malla - Ramesh
  • Deeya Maskey - Tara
  • Nima Rumba - Krishna
  • Hanif Mohammed - Bishnu
  • Pooja Gurung - Pema
  • Vivek Gurung - Bardaan                       

  • Director: Bhusan Dahal
  • Producer: Nakim Uddin, Rajesh Siddhi, Bhaskar Dhungana
  • Script: Achyut Koirala, Samitya Timilsina
  • Story: Bhaskar Dhungana
  • Screenplay: Prashant Rasaily
  • Cinematography: Bidur Pandey
  • Background Music: Sharad Gurung
  • Location Sound: Jyoti Rana
  • Editors: Prabod Shrestha, Prabin Manandhar, Prakash Tuladhar
  • Casting: Anup Baral
  • Promotional Music: 1974 AD

Kohi Mero - Nepali HD Film Trailer Jharanas COMEBACK .lexlimbu

Kohi... Mero :

             After the superhit of Sano sansar Alok Nembang is again back with Kohi Mero under the banner of It,s a Alok Nembang second directed movie. This romantic movie marks the comeback of Jharana Bajracharya and stars Aryan Sigdel, Sanchita Luitel also introduces Subash Thapa in lead roles. The film will be release in September 2010.
             Kohi Mero is the fun, flirtatious, youthful story of four friends who embark on a journey to discover the meaning of love and friendship. Each of them desire love, and each of them desire a specific kind of love and a specific way of illuminating their lives through it. Abhi, Ashna, Prayash and Dibya are similarly in search of a special kind of love. Ashna and Prayash, twofriends who have known each other forever, are separated by circumstance from Abhi, their mischievous but poetic friend who chooses ambition over friendship. Years later, at a fateful time in their lives, he realizes that he has to choose again, between keeping his friendship and going after the love of his life.
         Similarly, Ashna faces the choice between being true to herself and doing right by her family and society. Love demands sacrifice, they all learn: the bigger the sacrifice, the sweeter the reward, sometimes as freedom, and sometimes as the knowledge that the person you love has gained everything you'd wish for them.
"Kohi Mero" is a story about the search for that special person and the special sacrifice it takes for us to show our love for each other.

Directed by                         Alok Nembang
Produced by                        Suraj Bansal
Written by                         Prawin Adhikary, Alok Nembang
Starring                            Jharana Bajracharya, Aryan Sigdel, Sanchita Luitel, Subash Thapa
Music by                           Suresh Adhikary, Basant Sapkota, Suresh Rai
Cinematography               Raju Bikram Thapa
Editing by                         Subodh Shrestha, Prakash Tuladhar
Distributed by         
 Country                          Nepal
Language                       Nepali
Budget                           Nrs 5.5 Million

Rajini Kanth Robo New movie trailer !!!

Enthiran (Robot):

     Enthiran is a forthcoming Tamil science fiction film co-written and directed by S. Shankar. The film features Rajinikanth and Aishwarya Rai in the lead roles with A. R. Rahman working on background score and soundtrack. Produced by Kalanidhi Maran, it is known for being the most expensive Asian film ever made. It is also slated to make the largest worldwide opening for an Indian film, upon release. After meticulous filming and production for over two years, the film is currently undergoing post-production work. It is expected to be released worldwide on 24 September 2010 along with its dubbed versions: Robot in Hindi and Robo in Telugu.The film release will follow the film's soundtrack release, which was on 31 July 2010.

Apart from the original decided casting of Rajinikanth in the lead role, S. Shankar as director, and A. R. Rahman as film composer. Several heroines were approached to essay the lead female role with Aishwarya Rai, Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Asin Thottumkal, Trisha Krishnan, Shriya Saran, Priyamani, and Nayanthara at the forefront. In late January 2008, Rai was announced as the heroine of the project and she later confirmed her appearance in the film to the news channel, Aaj Tak. She stated that she was being paid Indian Rupee symbol.svg6 crores, becoming the highest paid actress in India with her salary for Enthiran. For the lead antagonist role Amitabh Bachchan, J. D. Chakravarthy, Narain Arjun Sarja were considered, however Danny Denzongpa was signed for the role. Comedians Santhanam and Karunas were signed up to portray important roles in December 2008.
     Sujatha Rangarajan originally announced as the dialogue writer of the film, died during the production stages, with V. Balakumaran being named as his successor. Along with Shankar's usual directorial assistants, Manoj Bharathiraja, son of noted filmmaker Bharathiraja, was signed on to be an assistant director. Sabu Cyril was signed up as the art director while R. Rathnavelu has taken up the post of the cinematographer, after K. V. Anand, Manikandan, Nirav Shah, Tirru, and Ravi K. Chandran had all opted out.. Vogt dually in charge of costume designs. Yuen Woo Ping will be the stunt co-ordinator for Enthiran, making his foray into Indian cinema, while Stan Winston Studios will take care of the animatronics in the film. Industrial Light & Magic will be working on visual and special effects.

  • Rajinikanth as Vaseegaran and Chitti
  • Aishwarya Rai as Sana
  • Danny Denzongpa as Bohra
  • Karunas
  • Santhanam
  • Kalabhavan Mani


        Directed by Abhinav Kashyap and producer by Salman’s brother Arbaaz Khan., Dabaang is the upcoming movie of Salman Khan.‘Dabaang’ is also the launch pad of Shatrughan Sinha's daughter Sonakshi Sinha. The film is set in the backdrop of Uttar Pradesh and the story revolves around a corrupt police officer (Salman Khan) and highlights the flaws and loopholes in the system.
       The release data of Dabaang is set on September 10th, during the Eid weekend and it seems that Salman is looking for a replay of hit after his last action movie Wanted which was released around the same time last year.

Narayan Gopal:

       Narayan Gopal is the most prominent and popular singer in nepali music history. He is well known as a singer but was also an accomplished composer. His voice range allowed him to sing songs of every genre of Nepali music. His songs are often richly orchestrated with the sitar, harmonium and flute. Some of his most popular songs include ("Euta Manche Ko Maya le Kati)"( "Jhareko Paat Jhai"), "Yo Samjhine Man Cha" and "Saawan ko jhari bani", "Manche ko Maya". Narayan Gopal has been accorded with title "Swor Samrat" (literally, Emperor of Voice) which affirms his position as the supreme virtuoso of Nepali music. His death was due to organ failures, said to have been caused by his notorious drinking. The cassettes and CDs of his music still make significant sales in Nepal.
          He has sung over 500 songs, including in films, ballets and drama. Most of his songs are melodies. Although 500 songs is not a lot for some of his caliber, they are outstanding in some ways—be it the lyrical depth or superb rendition. In recognition of his contribution in the field of Nepali music, he has received several national honors and awards; Trishakti Patta, Chinnalata Puraskar to name a few.


Album:Geeti Yatra Vol 1 (Released on 2044-10-10)
-Yeuta manchheko
-Malai chhodi mero chhaya
-Saunko jhari bani
-Yetidherai maya diee
-Aajabholi harek sanjha
-Kehi mitho batagara
-Timilai maa ke bhanu
-Yo samjhine maan chha

Geeti Shradanjali (Released on 2049-03-02)
-Timile Pani
-Joon Phool Rojhen
-Yo Bhagyle Kasto
-Sandhai Nai Ma Hanse
-Nachhod Mera He
-Sero Phero
-Duita Phool Deuralima
-Ishwor Tainle Rachera
-Tyo Desh Bhitra Tyo Sano
-Bihan Bhai Batasle
-Aajai Yeuban
-Shrada Ko Phool

Preyashi Ka Yaadharu (Released on 2054-02-16)
-Euta Manchheko Maya
-Yo Samjhene Man Chha
-Yeti Dherai Maya Diee
-Pokhiyera Ghamko Ghulka
-Aankha Chhopi Narou
-Biratako Chino
-Preyasika Yaadharu
-Mandirma Chhaki
-Malai Chhodi Mero Chhayan
-Parkhi Basen Aaulabhani
-Saunko Jhari Bani
-Aajabholi Harek Sanjha

Timilai kunai pal - Batomuni ko phool - Prakrity Giri and Yash Kumar

Baato Muni Ko Phool :: Upcoming Nepali Movie

Bato Muni Ko Phool is an upcoming Nepali movie directed by Suraj Subba Nalgo. With his debut direction Mr. Subba has been promising this movie is very different from on going Nepali cinema trend. With a heavy production cost and high end technical specification, this movie is certainly going to be a good one. But Director Subba states that not only technology of this movie is good but also the story line and script is nice.

The main actors of this movie are Rekha Thapa and Nandita KC opposite to well known singers Yash Kumar and Baboo Bogati,. The movie delivers a social problem. This movie has production cost of about 15 Millions and the whole movie was shot with a 2K resolution camera.

Bato Muni Ko Phool - (Promo 01)

First Look - SWOR - The Melody Of Dreams

Another musicla movie called Swor: The Melody of dreams is in production. After much and much same kind of love movie a music based film Swor is going to be produced. However, Swor by its poster looks very much like a Hindi film Rock on!! with new talented actors and actresses. It has been somehow like a business venture introducing new actors/actresses in our industry.

However, the film could be about friendship and how music play vital role to connect them together. Poster is really catchy and actors and actresses looks like they have enjoyed making this film. What is more interesting is the poster looks different from other typical Nepali film posters.

Nepali Film Teaser - SWOR - The Melody Of Dreams

Still in production - I Am Sorry :

     The movie directed by Dinesh Raut, ‘I am Sorry’ is being shot in and around Pokhara, and along Prithivi Highway in the Western Nepal. The movie features well known actor Aryan Sigdelin and Keki Adhikari opposite in the movie. It’s Keki’s second time in big screen movie after ‘Swor’.This film also seems to be based on love story.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nepali Film Trailer - Ek Din Ek Raat

Firsat Look: Mero Love Story

      After the sucess of  Mero Auta Sathi Cha directed by the Sudarshan Thapa which turned out to be fairly successful in Nepal he is comming with his next project Mero Love Story. Like the Mero Auta Sathi Cha MLS is also an emotional tale of love with whole entertainment and the highlight of the movie as evident as it is, Reecha is the only main actress in the crew.Main actors in the film are Aryan Sidgel, Richa Sharma and Vinay Shrestha.  Sushma Karki will also be in this film but only in an item song. Mero Euta Sathi Cha had Rekha Thapa in an item girl. Shakuntala Sharma, Tripti Nadakar, Arjun Shrestha and Keshab Bhattarai will also appear in this film.
     Looking at the poster the poster is dull and boring. Although, a guy is flying in the air which means he is in love? A girl is biting her tongue while blinking one eye at the same time which means she is has a cheeky character who will make both men fall in love. However, another character seems to be portrayed as a protagonist? Actors and actresses seems more into glamour than acting.

Nabin K Bhattarai - Ma Maya Laudina

Biography of Nabin K Bhattarai:

Born in the year 1974 on 14th of march,he proved he had born to contribute Nepali music.As a child he was a naughty boy as a result he was boarder in Budanilakantha School.Painting,Sports and listening music were his interest and they still are.He passed his SLC from the same school and when he passed intermediate level too,the time begun with music.He with his some friends established a band 'The steels wheel'.Nabin occupied the space of rhythm guitarist in the band and the band performed some concerts,all the band members except Nabin himself flew abroad.However the band acted as the catalyst in his musical career.As per his personal interest,he recorded his first song 'Aakhama Timilai' which was appreciated by the Nepali music Lovers and in no time he was successful singer.
Later he contributed a lot in Nepali music.As a result he was rewarded with different awards.His first ever award was Sajjan Smriti which was also followed by Chinnalata award and five more hits Fm awards.The man with huge fan following was himself a fan of Pink Floyd and was highly inspired by his music although Nepali people loved him as a sentimental singer.He is not only a singer but a good music composer too.
       He has twice won the Sajha Smriti Award for Best Male Vocalist, first for Preetka Geet (Raharai Raharama) and then for Aankha ma Timilai. He also won Award of the Year for Raharai Raharama.Some of his notable hits include 'Sajha Pakha', 'Timilai Ma Dobato Maa', 'Timile Herda Kasailai', 'Timilai Bhetne','Chaina Joona', 'Yaad Le Timro' and many others. He is considered to be the first real popstar of Nepal with a huge number of fans. One of the most popular and the hit album of Nabin are ‘Aawas’ then comes other like, G-Major, Smriti, Smriti Re-loaded etc. His latest album ‘Nakchyatra’ has just hit the market a month back.

1. Raharai Raharma
2. Aavas
3. Smriti
4. Samjhana
5. Samarpan
6. Nabin
7. The Blue
8. Smriti Re-loaded
9. G Major
10. Nakshetrah

Songs Lyrics of Nabin K Bhattarai:

Artist: Nabin K. Bhattarai
Songs: A jhari

ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी..२
एकान्त यो रातमा मलाई पागल गरी
झरी देऊ तिमी सुश्तरी सुश्तरी
जब हुन्छिन् मेरी मायालु मेरो वरिपरि
ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी
ए मेघ नगर्जिदेऊ यसरी
निन्द्रामा मस्त भएकी मेरी मायालु तर्सने गरि..२
गर्जिदेऊ तिमी रातै थर्कने गरी
जब हास्छिन मेरी मायालु मेरो अंगालोमा परी
ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी
ए बिजुलि नचम्कि देऊ यसरी
मेरी मायालुको आँखा तिर्मिराउने गरि..२
चम्किदेऊन तिमी अन्धकार भाग्नेगरि
मेरी मायालुको हसिलो अनुहार देख्‌ने गरी
ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी..२
एकान्त यो रातमा मलाई पागल गरी
झरी देऊ तिमी सुश्तरी सुश्तरी
जब हुन्छिन् मेरी मायालु मेरो वरिपरि
ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी..२

Artist: Nabin K. Bhattarai
Songs: Yaad

याद साँची कल्पि बस्छु छायाँ संगै झस्कि रहन्छु
आज फेरि रुन्छु म किन किन..२
दुख्यो मुटु चर्क्यो छाती मेरो यादमा
तिम्रो यादमा..२
हेरु कति आखैं थाक्छ आखा चिम्ले रातै पर्छ
रात भरि जाग्छु म किन किन..२
दुख्यो मुटु चर्क्यो छाती मेरो यादमा
तिम्रो यादमा..२
याद साँची कल्पि बस्छु छायाँ संगै झस्कि रहन्छु आज फेरि रुन्छु म किन किन..२
दुख्यो मुटु चर्क्यो छाती मेरो यादमा
तिम्रो यादमा..३

Music videos for folk rock band Nepathya :

Folk rock band Nepathya is set to release their four new music videos produce by Kiran Krishna Shrestha of nepa~laya. Kantipur Television’s chief producer Bhusan Dahal directed all the music videos, which are from their upcoming eighth album Mero Desh. Both the album and the videos are produced by nepa~laya.

Among songs visualised are Mero Desh, Juna Jhain, Kasaile Sodhe and Aama, which is an original from their last album Ghatana. “There was a great danger of the music videos being monotonous, which the director has nicely tackled,” producer Shrestha told.

The music video Mero Desh penned by the poet Bikram Subba, features frontman Amrit alongside artist David Douglas painting his interpretation of the song. Juna Jhain is a story with lead role by Raju Yakacha as the husband of a young working class couple who takes an utmost care to keep his pregnant wife at ease. The filmmaker revealed the pregnant women symbolised the country as we seek our new identity.

Nepathya new album - Mero desh

Nepathaya :

      Nepathya (Nepali:नेपथ्य also spelled - Nepathaya) is a popular Nepalese music band that was formed by 3 students from Pokhara, studying in Kathmandu, Nepal in the early 1990s. Nepathya is best known for its blending of folk melodies into new, youth-friendly pop and rock tune. Since its inception, Nepathya has gained consistent popularity and recognition. Nepathya’s songs also portray contemporary of the talented band. The moving force behind this band is Amrit Gurung, wears Gandhian frames ( supposed to have been presented to him from an aunt of his who was a staunch follower of M.K. Gandhi) and sings songs about peace and harmony. His songs encompass all of Nepal and is not limited to Kathmandu Valley. By hobby he is a photographer and a traveller. He has been to more than 70 of 75 districts of Nepal, most of them on foot. Nepathya has seen many changes in its band's line up. But the founder and the brain behind Nepathya is unfazed. Says he "Being in Nepathya is like being part of a serious journey. Anyone who deviates from team spirit and artistic commitment, find it hard to stay with the team."

1974 AD:

 Formation Of Band:

      1974 AD is a Nepali rock band, formed by the group of teachers from Gyanodaya School in Kathmandu, Nepal in the early 90s. The founding members included guitarist Phiroj Shyangden, bassist Nirakar Yakthumba, drummer Bhanu They experiment with various genre of music including Nepali folk, ragas, rock, funk, blues and jazz as well. 1974 AD are amongst the most successful recording artists in Nepal. Most of their albums are ranked among the top-ten best-selling album. There concert named 'Rock Yatra' in 2000 AD was watched by more than 60,000 people. This is the largest attendance for a concert in Nepal.
    Songs and albums produced by 1974 AD are usually in the Nepali language. Lyrics include themes of patriotism, Nepali virtues, unity, love and nationalism. There is a lot of variety in the music of 1974 AD. They have successfully tried various genres of music.
     The band was very popular in the Kathmandu and Lalitpur rock scene in mid 90s even before they started churning out big hits like "Mayalule" and other tunes. But the release of their debut album established them as a household name in Nepali music. Their compositions which includes lyrics on patriotism, self pride as a Nepali and love and unity amongst Nepali people are big hits in Nepali pop culture. They have come up with songs that has helped the nation unite and express the mutual feelings at times of big changes in country as in the form of political and other big events. The songs can be melodic but at the same time very dark with the lyrics and message it carries. The music covers various genres like heavy metal, hard rock, blues, reggae and funk/soul.

नायक नायिकाको पारिश्रमिक नेपाली सिनेमामा

नायकको पारिश्रमिक नेपाली सिनेमामा

लामो समयसमय चलचित्र उद्योगमा टिकीरहेका सदावहार नायक राजेश हमाल सुपरस्टारका रुपमा परिचित छन्। झण्डै १८ वर्ष अगाडि आफ्नै मामा दिपक रायमाझीको चलचित्र युगदेखि युगसम्मबाट अभिनय सुरु गरेका राजेशले पछि अरुका चलचित्र पनि खेल्न थाले।

त्यसपछि उनले चलचित्रमा खेलेबापत लिने रेट पनि बढ्दै गयो। एकसयभन्दा बढी चलचित्र खेलेका राजेशले अहिले एउटा फिल्म खेलेबापत तीनलाख रुपैयासम्म लिने गरेका छन्। उनको यो रेट चलेको केही वर्ष नै भइसक्यो। निर्माता जय प्रकाश रिजालको चलचित्र हामी तीन भाईमा काम गरेवापत राजेशले तीन लाख पारिश्रमिक लिएका थिए।

चलचित्र निशानामा राजेश चार दिनका लागि अनुबन्ध भएपनि तीन दिनमै काम सकियो। त्यसबापत उनले एक लाख ९० हजार लिए।

तीनलाख सम्म पारिश्रमिक लिने राजेश सबैभन्दा महंगा नायक भने होइनन्। उनलाई उछिनेका छन्, अहिलेका व्यस्त नायक बिराज भट्टले। भोजपुरी चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरेवापत त बिराजले आठदेखि १० लाखसम्म नै लिने गर्छन्।

नेपाली चलचित्रमा पनि उनको रेट तीनलाख भन्दा बढी छ। पछिल्लो चलचित्र ‘सलाम छ मायालाई’ मा उनले सवा तीन लाख लिए। चलचित्र खुकुरीमार्फत सिने जगतमा छिरेका मार्शल आर्टका खेलाडी बिराजले खुकरी र ‘उनको सम्झना’मा त सित्तैमा खेले।

पछि अग्नीपथ र दुर्गामा खेलेबापत क्रमश २१ हजार र ४१ हजार पाए। त्यसपछि उनले हिम्मत र जीवनदातामा झण्डै ८०/८० हजार लिएर काम गरे। देवरबाबु र किस्मतसम्म आइपुग्दा उनको रेट दुई लाख पुग्यो। नसिव र तोडमा त उनले ३ लाख २५ हजार नै लिए। अहिले उनी त्यहीं रेटमा यथावत छन्।
अर्का जल्दाबल्दा नायक निखिल उपे्रतिको रेट पनि राजेश हमालको भन्दा बढी छ। भोजपुरी चलचित्रमा १० लाखसम्म पारिश्रमिक लिने निखिलले नेपाली चलचित्रमा भने तीन लाख लिन्छन्। निशाना र भुलभए माफ गरमा उनले तीन लाख पारिश्रमिक लिए। पहिलो पटक चलचित्र पिञ्जडामा खेलेबापत नै उनले ७५ हजार पारिश्रमिक लिएका थिए। कुरुक्षेत्र र हामी तीन भाई लगायतका चलचित्रमा त उनले झण्डै एकलाख नै लिए।
नायकबाट बाटोमुनीको फूलको निर्देशन तिर लागेका दिलीप रायमाझीले चलचित्र आदिकवि भानुभक्तमा पहिलोपटक सित्तैमा खेले। उनले त्यसअघि समूहमा नाचेबापत ८ सय रुपैया लिन्थे।

त्यसपछि हिट भएको चलचित्र दर्पण छायाँमा उनले ५० हजार लिए। तर अहिले उनको रेट करिब २ लाख छ। चलचित्र निशानामा काम गरेबापत उनले एकलाख ९० हजार लिए। आफ्नै होम प्रोडक्सनमा बनेको चलचित्र माया नमारबाट आएका नायक रमित ढुंगानाले दुई लाखसम्म पारिश्रमिक लिएपनि अहिले उनको रेट घटेको छ।

चलचित्र धडकनमा रमितले ८० हजार लिएका थिए। मिसन पैसा, धुम, माया त माया हो, भुलभए भाफ गर चलचित्रमा खेलेका नायक सुरज आरडीले पचास हजारमा सहमति गरेका चलचित्रमा ८ हजार मात्रै पाएका थिए। सुरज आरडीको अहिले कुनै रेट छैन। उनी चलचित्र निर्माणमा व्यस्त छन्।

चलचित्र पर्खीबसेबाट अभिनय सुरु गरेका आशलाग्दा नायक राजबल्लभ कोइरालाले अहिले एक लाखको हाराहारीमा पारिश्रमिक लिन्छन्। अर्का नवनायक आर्यन सिग्देलले पहिलो चलचित्र किस्मतमा डे्रसको मात्र पैसा लिएपनि अहिले उनको रेट डेढलाख छ।

अर्का पुराना नायक आफ्नै चलचित्रमा व्यस्त छन्। उनले अरुका चलचित्रमा निर्माता अनुसार पैसा लिन्छन्। ७ वर्षअघि चलचित्र जिद्दीमा महंगो पारिश्रमिक लिएका भुवनले पछि चलचित्र चोर सिपाहीमा एकलाख २५ हजार लिएका थिए।

नेपाली चलचत्रिमा अहिले नवनायकको प्रवेश पनि बढ्दो छ। बिराज भट्टका आफ्नै भाई नवनायक कृष्ण भट्टले खेलेको एउटामात्रै चलचित्र सलाम छ मायालाई मा ५१ हजार पारिश्रमिक लिए। नेपाली चलचित्र उद्योग सानो छ। थोरै लगानीमा चलचित्र बन्छन्। त्यसैले नायकहरुले लिने पारिश्रमिक पनि थोरै नै छ। जुन पारिश्रमिकबाट उनीहरु सन्तुष्ट छैनन्। (श्रोत: एबीसी टेलिभिजन)

नायिकाको पारिश्रमिक नेपाली सिनेमामा

नेपाली चलचित्र उद्योगमा पारिश्रमिक आधारमा तुलना गर्दा नायकको तुलनामा नायिकाहरु बढी पिडित देखिन्छन।

नायिकाहरुले त कैयन फिल्ममा खेलेबापत पैसा नै पाउदैनन्। पाउनेहरुले पारिश्रमिक पनि नायकहरुको भन्दा कम छ। अहिलकी सबैभन्दा महंगी नायिका हुन् रेखा थापाले पनि पहिलो चलचित्र हिरोमा एकसुका पनि पाइनन्।

पछि चलचित्र अकालसम्म आइपुग्दा उनको रेट डेढ लाख पुग्यो। अहिले रेखाले एउटा चलचित्रमा दुईलाखसम्म पारिश्रमिक लिन्छिन्। आफै चलचित्र बनाउने र आफै खेल्ने समेत गरेकी रेखाले एउटा चलचित्रमा नायिका निरुता सिंङलाई लिदा पनि राम्रै पारिश्रमिक दिएको दावी गर्छिन्।

नेपाल टेलिभिजनबाट प्रसारण हुने टेलिचलचित्र चेतनाबाट आफ्नो अभिनय यात्रा थालेकी अर्की व्यस्त नायिका रेजिना उप्रेतीले त्यतिबेला २६ हजार लिएकी थिइन।

रेजिनाले अरु नायिका जस्तो पहिलो चलचित्रमा सित्तैमा अभिनय गर्नु परेन। पहिलो चलचित्र आफ्नो मान्छेमा अभिनय गरेवापत ५० हजार लिएकी थिइन्। तर अहिले भने रेजिनाको रेट बढेर दुईलाख सम्म पुग्ने गरेको छ। सम्बन्धका आधारमा पनि फिल्म खेल्ने भएकाले रेजिनाले कहिलेका“ही एक लाखमा नै पनि चित्त बुझाउनुपरेको छ।

सुन्दर र सदाबहार नायिका मेलिना मानन्धरले आफ्नो रेट त एकलाख २५ हजार तय गरेकी छिन्। तर उनले एउटा चलचित्रमा खेलेबापत एकलाख सम्म पाउने गरेकी छिन्।

तीनदर्जन बढी चलचित्रमा खेलिसकेकी मेलिनाले भूल भए माफ गरमा एकलाख पाएकी थिइन्। पहिलो चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरेबापत मेलिनाले जम्मा दुई हजार पारिश्रमिक पाएकी थिइन्। त्यो पनि दशैं खर्च भनेर मात्रै।

व्यस्त नायिकाकै कोटीमा पर्ने नायिका ऋचा घिमिरले अहिले एउटा चलचित्रमा खेलेबापत एकलाख २५ हजार सम्म लिने गरेकी छिन्।

नायिका ऋचाले अबदेखि चलचित्रमा मुख्य भूमिकामा मात्रै अभिनय गर्ने समेत निर्णय गरेकी छिन्।
अर्की हिट नायिका अरुणिमा लम्सालले पनि पहिलो चलचित्रमा सित्तैमा नै खेलेकी थिइन्। दोस्रो चलचित्रमा पनि उनले ५ हजार पारिश्रमिकमा चित्त बुझाउनुपर्‍यो।

३५ वटा फिल्ममा खेलिसकेकी अरुणिमाले भोजपुरी चलचित्रमा खेलेबापत २ लाख लिने गरेकी छिन्। नेपाली चलचित्रमा पनि उनले आफ्नो रेट दुई लाखसम्म भएको दावी गर्छिन्।

२०६५ सालमा श्याम भट्टराईसंग पारपाचुके गरेपछि एक्लो जीबन बिताइहेकी नायिका रञ्जना शर्माले सुरुमा कैयन चलचित्रमा सित्तैमा खेलिन्। तर अहिले भने प्रत्येक फिल्ममा ५० हजारसम्म लिन्छिन्।

करिव ५ बर्ष अघि नेपाली चलचित्रमा प्रवेश गरेकी नायिका नन्दिता केसीले झण्डै दुई दर्जन चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरेकी छिन्। उनको अहिलेको रेट ५० हजार छ।

चलचित्र निशानामा खेलेबापत उनले ५० हजार पाएकी थिइन्। कुनैबेला व्यस्त र महंगा भनिने नायिकाहरु करिश्मा मानन्धर र निरुता सिंह अहिले चलचित्रमा देखा पर्न छाडेका छन्।

उनीहरुको रेट त्यतिबेला पनि डेढलाख थियो। तर कमाई राम्रो नर्भएका कारण करिस्मा अमेरिकातिर हान्निइन् भने निरुता पनि अरु कामतिर लागिन्। नायकहरुको भन्दा कम पारिश्रमिक पाउने र आर्थिक शोषण हुनेगरेकाले नायिकाहरु नेपाली चलचित्र उद्योगमा लामो समय टिक्न सकेका छैनन्। (श्रोत: एबीसी टेलिभिजन)

Film 'Kick' to remake in Hindi :-

After Wanted and Dabangg Salman Khan is about to take his image as the action hero to yet another level. He will be seen doing breath - taking stuns in his upcoming new movie 'Kick'. It'a a remake of 2009;s biggest action hit in Teluge. The movie is to be produced by the sajid Nadiadwala.

For kick Salman will be trained by the French maestro of onscreen action Philippe Guegan. Philippe's credit for action and special effects include such international blockbusters as The Transporter, The Kiss Of The Dragon, Rush Hour 3, Taken and Hitman. 

The star will reportedly undergo martial arts training and will also learn kickboxing for his role. Besides stunts, ‘Kick’ will have dollops of humour, and Nadiadwala is learnt to have roped in Abhijat Joshi, the co-writer of Munnabhai flicks, to pen the script.

Sajid Nadiawala's action film Kick was on hold until the producer and Salman could come to an understanding on how to take the action sequences to the next level. Initially the plan was to get Vijay, who did the stunts in the Telugu version of Kick, to do Salman's stunts in the adaptation. However Salman felt the only way his action sequences in Kick could go beyond Wanted and Dabangg was to get someone of international calibre. 

Upcoming movie of Salman Khan:
Bajirao Mastani:      
   Salman Khan,  Rani Mukherjee,  Kareena Kapoor

Amar Akbar Anthony (Status: stalled):
   Salman Khan,  Arbaaz Khan,  Sohail Khan
Sahib Biwi Aur Ghulam:
   Salman Khan,  John Abraham,  Priyanka Chopra

Tom And Jerry:(Status: Announced):      
   Salman Khan,  Govinda

Ready:(Pre Production):                         
    Salman Khan,  Asin Thottumkal

I Am Hariprasad :           
  Salman Khan

Partner 2 (Status: Scripting):                    
  Salman Khan, Govinda, Katrina Kaif

Be positive - No entry Part 2(Status: Pre Production):
 Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, fardin Khan, Lara Dutta, Esha Deol, Celina Jaitley

Kick(Status: Announced):
  Salman Khan, Sonakshi Sinha

Prem Kaa Game(Status: Pre Production):
 Arbaaz Khan, Salman Khan, Tara Sharma

Kohinoor(Status: Pre Production):
  Genelia D'Souza, Kapil Chopra, Katrina Kaif, Salman Khan

Andaz Apna Apna 2(Status: Announced):
  Salman Khan, Amir Khan

Love U... Mr. Kalakaar(Status: Filming):
 Amrita Rao, Madhoo, Salman Khan, Tusshar Kapoor

Paris(Status: Pre Production):
 Salman Khan

Deepika Padukone Salman Khan together as Bodyguard Movie Cast:-

         Salman Khan Upcoming Next Release in 2010 named “Bodyguard” which is another South Film Remake produce by law Atul Agnihotri and directed by the south indian film director Siddiqe. Hot Deepika Padukone will play lead opposite Hot Bollywood Hunks Salman Khan. She will be having Salman Khan as her bodyguard. Salman Khan has confirmed playing the lead role but Deepika is not sure yet.       
        The malayalam version of "Bodyguard" already entertained the viewer in March, 2010. In the Malayalam version of Bodyguard, South Indian actors Dileep and Nayantara were in the lead roles.
       The story is about a young boy who gets fascinated by people with courageous quality and serves like a bodyguard but the movie comes on interesting way when the one businessman hired him for his lovely daughter.

Bhuwan KC’s son Anamol to walk on his father’s steps

         The youngest son of Bhuwan KC is going to act in a movie with his father. Bhuwan KC and his son Anamol will act as father and son in a home production movie called ‘Sathi ma Timro’. Anmol will be lunched opposite to the popular Neapli Actress Rekha Thapa.        

      Bhuwan wanted at least one of his siblings to work in films for which he has found Anamol interested and capable. His older son Bivek and daughter Kajol are studying in the US. Anmol K.C is studying in grade 10 and is apperaring in SLC exam this year. Apart from acting Anmol is also intrested in singing. He like to sing rock and pop songs.
       Anamol’s debut movie will be directed by Shiva Regmi and is based on the story of Bikash Acharya and Brajesh Khanal. Rekha Thapa and Richa Ghimire are chosen to lead in actresses role and Sambujit Baskota will compose music for the movie.

Batch No -16 Nepali Movie Promo

First look Nepali film trailer - Kathmandu

Palpalma - Hot Nepali Film

       Movie directed by the Ukesh Dahal 'Palpalma' was dragged into a controversy during the shooting.The movie was widely publicized with photos and posters of bed scenes featuring Ramit Dhungana and Sujata Sitaula. Due to the hot scenes in the movie, the censor board has barred viewers, below 16 years of age, from watching the movie.
       ‘Palpalma’ is about male sex workers and deals with sexual relationship between people. The bold scenes, never been seen before in a Nepali movie, will surely make it a hot cake among Nepali adults.The movie revolves around the lives of the wives of ‘Lahure’, who go to foreign lands to work. Lahure wives and male prostitutes are the main characters in the movie. Palpalma wants to cash in the fact that it is the first Nepali movie to feature male prostitute.
        Debut movie of director Ukesh Dahal, and produced by Mr. Harihar Acharya, the movie is told to have a new taste and fresh concept. The movie is even expected to set a new standard in Nepali Movie Industry.The movie features Ramit Dhungana, Dilip Rayamajhi, Rupa Rana, Sujata Situla, Dilip Gautam, Suman Singh, Bikrant Basnet, Usha, Sashi Khadka, Asim Rana etc.  

First animation film in Nepal:

      We had seen some animation in Nepali movies lately but there is not a single fully animated movie in Nepali movie history.
     Tulsi Ghimire is planning to make a new record by producing a fully animated movie name Gautam Buddha. Ghimire has brought in students from Lalitkala Campus in a studio in Thapathali to start drawing the characters of the movie.
    Ghimire told that the works for the movie has been going on for the last seven months and it is expected that the movie will take another six months to finish. The movie is targeted to the foreign audience and will feature the life of Gautam Buddha.

Historical profile of Nepali Cinema:

       Filmmakers and critics in Nepali movie industry have still been divided as to whether the history of Nepali movie begins from Satya Harischandra or Aama. Some argue that Satya Harischandra was not the first Nepali movie for two reasons: It was not produced in Nepal: all the work of this historic film was done in Darjeeling, India, and it was dubbed from an Indian movie of similar name. If we look back at the history of Indian movies, we find Satya Harsichandra to be the first movie produced in any Indian language.
          However, filmmakers like Tulsi Ghimire claim that Satya Harishchandra was a genuine Nepali movie. Some argued that giving Satya Harischandra the status of the first Nepali movie would be an insult to the palace as it was a film produced by a Dalit. Even after the abolition of monarchy, the Kollywood has not been ready to recognize it as the first Nepali movie on the ground that it was not produced from Nepal. If we take Satya Harischnadra as the first Nepali cinema, then the history of cinema in Nepal is 59 years long.
      Aama, released almost 14 years after Harischandra’s release, is officially recognized as the first Nepali movie. Aama was produced under the initiative of the palace to promote the Panchayat polity under the then publicity department’s film division and was released in 2022 BS. King Mahendra himself had invited its director Hirasingh Khatri from Mumbai, India, and Khatri left Kathmandu after making three pro-Panchayat films—Aama, Paribartan and Hijo, Aaja, Bholi. All the artistes of these films were Nepali nationals.
       Maitighar, the first commercial film made by the private sector, set the tone for the real development of the film industry. Nanda Kishor Timilsina had a crucial role in making of Maitighar. B. S. Thapa was the director of the first commercial movie that starred Mala Sinha and C P Lohani. However, Maitighar did not prove to be a source that could bring about vigorous private sector in making films. Only Juni, produced 18 years after Aama, could inspire the private sector to be involved in filmmaking.
       The black and white Nepali movies turned to colour by the time Kumari was produced. It was rather a slow pace in which the film industry moved forward. Seventeen years and only five films!
       By the 1980s, the private sector almost completely replaced the government sector productions. Some of the best Nepali films like Jivan Rekha, Kanchhi, Chino etc. were produced in the 1980s. Filmmakers who had been to Mumbai earlier contributed to the development of Nepalese movies. Prakash Thapa and Tulsi Ghimire played a key role in this regard.

Simosh’s next project – M2M (Mechi to Mahakali)

Simosh Sunwar is starting another ‘Mega Project’ after the success of the latest release ‘First Love’. Simosh’s is now busy in direction of new movie, M2M (Mechi to Mahakali) which will be a action movie featuring new actor Resh Marahatta.
     Simosh told that the only confirmed actor is Resh marahatta and he is supposed to bring a foreign actress to lead in M2M.
Simosh and Shyam Bhattarai are currently busy in post production of upcoming ‘Hollywood style’ action movie Challenge. Yes, Shyam is the same director who told to have received Rs. 10 lakhs for the movie. Now, with the success of First Love, Simosh should demand more than that for working in Challenge.

Adventure Nepali Movie - In Search of Yeti (Yeti ko Khojima) - Promo

Yeti ko Khojima – In Search of Yeti

          For the first time in the history of Nepali Cinema, this movie “Yeti Ko Kojima” (In search of Yeti) features character animation. The movie is the first movie produced under the banner of Visual Production P. Ltd. The movie was previously screened in theaters outside the capital city. The movie was first shown in August, 2008 in Korea, in Malaysia on June 2009 and in Brunei in July 2009.
        The movie is produced by Taekwondo sportsman and actor Laxman Subedi and is directed by Santosh Dhakal. The movie is shot in remote areas of Langtang, Mustang, Magdey, Tanahu, Siklesh of  Kaski, Annapurna range, Pokhara and Kathmandu. The actors of the movie are Laxman Basnet, Divyaswar Gautam, Sunita Gandarva, Pamela Alisa Santrele etc.
The movie had received DCine Award, 2066, before it was released publicly. The movie features English subtitles and 5.1 surround sound mixing.

Ajay Devgan gets grungy makeover for 'Golmaal 3′

       Ajay Devgan worked in Golmaal & its sequal Golmaal 2. Ajay acted superbly in both movies his co-stars. Comedy becomes popular after the Golmaal released. Now its time for another one. Golmaal 3 up coming next comic chapter under the Shree Ashtavinayak Cinevision Ltd's. Ajay Devgn is all set to show off his new look for this movie. This time Ajay has gone all out to bring out his edgy and rugged style with diamond ear studs, tattoos and cropped hair. His new look had been conceptualized by director Rohit Shetty. Rohit has even styled the other cast members of the movie like Kareena Kapoor's tomboy look, Tusshar Kapoor's tapori look and Arshad Warsi's look which is yet to be disclosed.
        Ajay Devgen  has been working hard on his body  lot now a day so he will have flaunting his body in movie.He plays a hyper character who loses his temper very quickly, because of which everyone is scared of him. People never know what he will laugh about or get angry about.”

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara - Upcoming Hindi Film

           Zindagi Na Milegi  Dobara  is an upcoming Hindi film, from the makers of Dil Chahta Hai and Rock On.The movie is directed by Zoya Akhtar and produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani of Excel Entertainment. It will star Hrithik Roshan, Abhay Deol and Farhan Akhtar. The female roles are played by Kalki Koechlin and Katrina Kaif where the latter is said to be paired with Hrithik Roshan. The music will be composed by Shankar Ehsaan Loy..

        Earlier, Imran Khan and Ranbir Kapoor were rumoured to be a part of the film, but they declined because they wished to star together in their own production. The film is a male bonding road story, about four friends, on the lines of Dil Chahta Hai. Shooting will take place at various locations such as Spain, Greece, Turkey, Thailand, the UK and India.

Nepali dance by Salman Khan and Karishma Kapoor



       Manisha Koirala started her film career with a Nepali film 'Pheri Bhetaula' 1989. That was before she went to Bollywood, where she once was the top actress. Now she is back in Nepal, shooting for her upcoming Nepali film "Dharma" directed by Dipendra K. Khanal.         Manisha is going to act in the lead actress role in ‘Dharma’, opposite to Rajesh Hamal. Apart from Manisha, Rajesh Hamal, Nikhil Upreti will also act in lead actor roles and Madhav Acharya, Anu Shah and Shankar Acharya as supporting actors role in the movie
    According to the director Dipendra K Khanal the film is entirely based on the ola and the new generation gap. The movie can be an eye opener for the both generation and message to the people to understand for supportion to their family.
     This movie is the second production of Aasma Production House. Before the director Khanal had directed the movie called "Yugh Dhekhi Yugh Samma" from the same production house.

Come Back of Namrata Shrestha:

       After the release of a scandalous video in September there had been various speculation about Namrata Shrestha  film career. Many had forecast ed the end of her film career. Now forgetting all the bad publicity she started acting again to prove them wrong .She is coming back in a strong role of a drug addict based on the life of Ekata Mahat.
      Ekata started taking drug at the age of 14. After two years of rehabilitation efforts she could finally fight the urge for the drug. Learning from her own life, she started organizing drug abusers and help them fight it.
For Namrata, the role of Ekata would be very challenging and demanding. It is told that Namrata has already started studying the behavior of drug addicts and she is planning to visit rehabilitation centers soon.
     Namatra also coming with her another new movie named "Miss U" along with actor Dilip Rayamajhi in which, Namrata Shrestha will be the leading actress. The movie under the direction of Suresh Darpan Pokharel will also feature new comer Barun Rana. Barun has acted in a number of music videos before and he has also acted with Namrata in a music video of Mallika Karki, ‘yeti dheri mancheharuko bhidma…’. The music director of the movie is Babu Bogati.
    The movie will start its shooting from Singapore and Malaysia soon. Namrata has signed in for Rs. 400,000 and Barun will get 125,000 for the movie. The movie is told to cost about Rs. 10 million.

Nepsydaz+Pachi Lagnu Pardaina FT. Duke,Hakim,Preeti Kaur,Dj Yuwa

Da Nepsydaz:

       Da Nepsydaz is one of the leading hip-hop/rap bands in Nepal. Initially there were four members in this group—Mistah K, Zero Level, Manas and Schizo. These four members first called themselves Da Nepsythugs. Thanks to a fellow rapper, their group name was changed to Da Nepsydaz. They released their first album, KTM Reality, but this album did not find success in the difficult Nepali music market because of the poorly developed rap scene in Nepal.
     After the fourth member, Schizo, quit the group, the remaining three kept on struggling to promote hip-hop in Nepal. They released their second album, Made In Nepal. The cover song, Chudaina, which was a remix of the song of a popular band 1974 AD, was a hit. Another song titled Maya also found a lot of success in the music industry, and this song won the title of 'Best vocal performance by a group or a duo' at the Tuborg Image Awards 2006.


Dasdhunga - Nepali documentry film trailer.


       Kagbeni is a 2008 Nepali movie, loosely based on the W. W. Jacobs' 1902 horror short story The Monkey's Paw. Kagbeni is the directorial debut of Bhusan Dahal. The name of the movie is taken from a tourist place Kagbeni situated in the valley of the Kali Gandaki, which is a 2-hour side trek from Muktinath.

The filmmakers brought high-definition digital cameras from Silken Imaging, an American company, that was just trying out. The cast and crew set off to Jomsom in October 2006 and shot for thirty days non-stop in Kagbeni, Jomsom, Marpha and Shyang.
The camera is as big as a CCTV and does not use tapes for recording. Instead, it saves everything on a hard disk and has inferior image quality compared to film. There were some technical problems in the making of the film as it was the first time the film makers were using the camera. They had to walk a few hours to a cyber café to ask the company for instructions.
     Kagbeni was expected to be a trend-setting Nepali film with new taste of technology and story for Nepali audience, which it did to some extent. Although the cinema halls didn’t see the response as was expected, it started off really good with new director and actors. Dahal was a music director and this was his debut film. Similarly, Saugat Malla and Deeya Maskey are well known theatre actors. Nima Rumba is a popular singer. The movie was hyped for its sizzling kissing scene between the two lead actors.

  • Saugat Malla - Ramesh
  • Deeya Maskey - Tara
  • Nima Rumba - Krishna
  • Hanif Mohammed - Bishnu
  • Pooja Gurung - Pema
  • Vivek Gurung - Bardaan                       

  • Director: Bhusan Dahal
  • Producer: Nakim Uddin, Rajesh Siddhi, Bhaskar Dhungana
  • Script: Achyut Koirala, Samitya Timilsina
  • Story: Bhaskar Dhungana
  • Screenplay: Prashant Rasaily
  • Cinematography: Bidur Pandey
  • Background Music: Sharad Gurung
  • Location Sound: Jyoti Rana
  • Editors: Prabod Shrestha, Prabin Manandhar, Prakash Tuladhar
  • Casting: Anup Baral
  • Promotional Music: 1974 AD

Kohi Mero - Nepali HD Film Trailer Jharanas COMEBACK .lexlimbu

Kohi... Mero :

             After the superhit of Sano sansar Alok Nembang is again back with Kohi Mero under the banner of It,s a Alok Nembang second directed movie. This romantic movie marks the comeback of Jharana Bajracharya and stars Aryan Sigdel, Sanchita Luitel also introduces Subash Thapa in lead roles. The film will be release in September 2010.
             Kohi Mero is the fun, flirtatious, youthful story of four friends who embark on a journey to discover the meaning of love and friendship. Each of them desire love, and each of them desire a specific kind of love and a specific way of illuminating their lives through it. Abhi, Ashna, Prayash and Dibya are similarly in search of a special kind of love. Ashna and Prayash, twofriends who have known each other forever, are separated by circumstance from Abhi, their mischievous but poetic friend who chooses ambition over friendship. Years later, at a fateful time in their lives, he realizes that he has to choose again, between keeping his friendship and going after the love of his life.
         Similarly, Ashna faces the choice between being true to herself and doing right by her family and society. Love demands sacrifice, they all learn: the bigger the sacrifice, the sweeter the reward, sometimes as freedom, and sometimes as the knowledge that the person you love has gained everything you'd wish for them.
"Kohi Mero" is a story about the search for that special person and the special sacrifice it takes for us to show our love for each other.

Directed by                         Alok Nembang
Produced by                        Suraj Bansal
Written by                         Prawin Adhikary, Alok Nembang
Starring                            Jharana Bajracharya, Aryan Sigdel, Sanchita Luitel, Subash Thapa
Music by                           Suresh Adhikary, Basant Sapkota, Suresh Rai
Cinematography               Raju Bikram Thapa
Editing by                         Subodh Shrestha, Prakash Tuladhar
Distributed by         
 Country                          Nepal
Language                       Nepali
Budget                           Nrs 5.5 Million

Rajini Kanth Robo New movie trailer !!!

Enthiran (Robot):

     Enthiran is a forthcoming Tamil science fiction film co-written and directed by S. Shankar. The film features Rajinikanth and Aishwarya Rai in the lead roles with A. R. Rahman working on background score and soundtrack. Produced by Kalanidhi Maran, it is known for being the most expensive Asian film ever made. It is also slated to make the largest worldwide opening for an Indian film, upon release. After meticulous filming and production for over two years, the film is currently undergoing post-production work. It is expected to be released worldwide on 24 September 2010 along with its dubbed versions: Robot in Hindi and Robo in Telugu.The film release will follow the film's soundtrack release, which was on 31 July 2010.

Apart from the original decided casting of Rajinikanth in the lead role, S. Shankar as director, and A. R. Rahman as film composer. Several heroines were approached to essay the lead female role with Aishwarya Rai, Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Asin Thottumkal, Trisha Krishnan, Shriya Saran, Priyamani, and Nayanthara at the forefront. In late January 2008, Rai was announced as the heroine of the project and she later confirmed her appearance in the film to the news channel, Aaj Tak. She stated that she was being paid Indian Rupee symbol.svg6 crores, becoming the highest paid actress in India with her salary for Enthiran. For the lead antagonist role Amitabh Bachchan, J. D. Chakravarthy, Narain Arjun Sarja were considered, however Danny Denzongpa was signed for the role. Comedians Santhanam and Karunas were signed up to portray important roles in December 2008.
     Sujatha Rangarajan originally announced as the dialogue writer of the film, died during the production stages, with V. Balakumaran being named as his successor. Along with Shankar's usual directorial assistants, Manoj Bharathiraja, son of noted filmmaker Bharathiraja, was signed on to be an assistant director. Sabu Cyril was signed up as the art director while R. Rathnavelu has taken up the post of the cinematographer, after K. V. Anand, Manikandan, Nirav Shah, Tirru, and Ravi K. Chandran had all opted out.. Vogt dually in charge of costume designs. Yuen Woo Ping will be the stunt co-ordinator for Enthiran, making his foray into Indian cinema, while Stan Winston Studios will take care of the animatronics in the film. Industrial Light & Magic will be working on visual and special effects.

  • Rajinikanth as Vaseegaran and Chitti
  • Aishwarya Rai as Sana
  • Danny Denzongpa as Bohra
  • Karunas
  • Santhanam
  • Kalabhavan Mani


        Directed by Abhinav Kashyap and producer by Salman’s brother Arbaaz Khan., Dabaang is the upcoming movie of Salman Khan.‘Dabaang’ is also the launch pad of Shatrughan Sinha's daughter Sonakshi Sinha. The film is set in the backdrop of Uttar Pradesh and the story revolves around a corrupt police officer (Salman Khan) and highlights the flaws and loopholes in the system.
       The release data of Dabaang is set on September 10th, during the Eid weekend and it seems that Salman is looking for a replay of hit after his last action movie Wanted which was released around the same time last year.

Narayan Gopal:

       Narayan Gopal is the most prominent and popular singer in nepali music history. He is well known as a singer but was also an accomplished composer. His voice range allowed him to sing songs of every genre of Nepali music. His songs are often richly orchestrated with the sitar, harmonium and flute. Some of his most popular songs include ("Euta Manche Ko Maya le Kati)"( "Jhareko Paat Jhai"), "Yo Samjhine Man Cha" and "Saawan ko jhari bani", "Manche ko Maya". Narayan Gopal has been accorded with title "Swor Samrat" (literally, Emperor of Voice) which affirms his position as the supreme virtuoso of Nepali music. His death was due to organ failures, said to have been caused by his notorious drinking. The cassettes and CDs of his music still make significant sales in Nepal.
          He has sung over 500 songs, including in films, ballets and drama. Most of his songs are melodies. Although 500 songs is not a lot for some of his caliber, they are outstanding in some ways—be it the lyrical depth or superb rendition. In recognition of his contribution in the field of Nepali music, he has received several national honors and awards; Trishakti Patta, Chinnalata Puraskar to name a few.


Album:Geeti Yatra Vol 1 (Released on 2044-10-10)
-Yeuta manchheko
-Malai chhodi mero chhaya
-Saunko jhari bani
-Yetidherai maya diee
-Aajabholi harek sanjha
-Kehi mitho batagara
-Timilai maa ke bhanu
-Yo samjhine maan chha

Geeti Shradanjali (Released on 2049-03-02)
-Timile Pani
-Joon Phool Rojhen
-Yo Bhagyle Kasto
-Sandhai Nai Ma Hanse
-Nachhod Mera He
-Sero Phero
-Duita Phool Deuralima
-Ishwor Tainle Rachera
-Tyo Desh Bhitra Tyo Sano
-Bihan Bhai Batasle
-Aajai Yeuban
-Shrada Ko Phool

Preyashi Ka Yaadharu (Released on 2054-02-16)
-Euta Manchheko Maya
-Yo Samjhene Man Chha
-Yeti Dherai Maya Diee
-Pokhiyera Ghamko Ghulka
-Aankha Chhopi Narou
-Biratako Chino
-Preyasika Yaadharu
-Mandirma Chhaki
-Malai Chhodi Mero Chhayan
-Parkhi Basen Aaulabhani
-Saunko Jhari Bani
-Aajabholi Harek Sanjha

Timilai kunai pal - Batomuni ko phool - Prakrity Giri and Yash Kumar

Baato Muni Ko Phool :: Upcoming Nepali Movie

Bato Muni Ko Phool is an upcoming Nepali movie directed by Suraj Subba Nalgo. With his debut direction Mr. Subba has been promising this movie is very different from on going Nepali cinema trend. With a heavy production cost and high end technical specification, this movie is certainly going to be a good one. But Director Subba states that not only technology of this movie is good but also the story line and script is nice.

The main actors of this movie are Rekha Thapa and Nandita KC opposite to well known singers Yash Kumar and Baboo Bogati,. The movie delivers a social problem. This movie has production cost of about 15 Millions and the whole movie was shot with a 2K resolution camera.

Bato Muni Ko Phool - (Promo 01)

First Look - SWOR - The Melody Of Dreams

Another musicla movie called Swor: The Melody of dreams is in production. After much and much same kind of love movie a music based film Swor is going to be produced. However, Swor by its poster looks very much like a Hindi film Rock on!! with new talented actors and actresses. It has been somehow like a business venture introducing new actors/actresses in our industry.

However, the film could be about friendship and how music play vital role to connect them together. Poster is really catchy and actors and actresses looks like they have enjoyed making this film. What is more interesting is the poster looks different from other typical Nepali film posters.

Nepali Film Teaser - SWOR - The Melody Of Dreams

Still in production - I Am Sorry :

     The movie directed by Dinesh Raut, ‘I am Sorry’ is being shot in and around Pokhara, and along Prithivi Highway in the Western Nepal. The movie features well known actor Aryan Sigdelin and Keki Adhikari opposite in the movie. It’s Keki’s second time in big screen movie after ‘Swor’.This film also seems to be based on love story.

Nepali Film Trailer - Ek Din Ek Raat

Firsat Look: Mero Love Story

      After the sucess of  Mero Auta Sathi Cha directed by the Sudarshan Thapa which turned out to be fairly successful in Nepal he is comming with his next project Mero Love Story. Like the Mero Auta Sathi Cha MLS is also an emotional tale of love with whole entertainment and the highlight of the movie as evident as it is, Reecha is the only main actress in the crew.Main actors in the film are Aryan Sidgel, Richa Sharma and Vinay Shrestha.  Sushma Karki will also be in this film but only in an item song. Mero Euta Sathi Cha had Rekha Thapa in an item girl. Shakuntala Sharma, Tripti Nadakar, Arjun Shrestha and Keshab Bhattarai will also appear in this film.
     Looking at the poster the poster is dull and boring. Although, a guy is flying in the air which means he is in love? A girl is biting her tongue while blinking one eye at the same time which means she is has a cheeky character who will make both men fall in love. However, another character seems to be portrayed as a protagonist? Actors and actresses seems more into glamour than acting.

Nabin K Bhattarai - Ma Maya Laudina

Biography of Nabin K Bhattarai:

Born in the year 1974 on 14th of march,he proved he had born to contribute Nepali music.As a child he was a naughty boy as a result he was boarder in Budanilakantha School.Painting,Sports and listening music were his interest and they still are.He passed his SLC from the same school and when he passed intermediate level too,the time begun with music.He with his some friends established a band 'The steels wheel'.Nabin occupied the space of rhythm guitarist in the band and the band performed some concerts,all the band members except Nabin himself flew abroad.However the band acted as the catalyst in his musical career.As per his personal interest,he recorded his first song 'Aakhama Timilai' which was appreciated by the Nepali music Lovers and in no time he was successful singer.
Later he contributed a lot in Nepali music.As a result he was rewarded with different awards.His first ever award was Sajjan Smriti which was also followed by Chinnalata award and five more hits Fm awards.The man with huge fan following was himself a fan of Pink Floyd and was highly inspired by his music although Nepali people loved him as a sentimental singer.He is not only a singer but a good music composer too.
       He has twice won the Sajha Smriti Award for Best Male Vocalist, first for Preetka Geet (Raharai Raharama) and then for Aankha ma Timilai. He also won Award of the Year for Raharai Raharama.Some of his notable hits include 'Sajha Pakha', 'Timilai Ma Dobato Maa', 'Timile Herda Kasailai', 'Timilai Bhetne','Chaina Joona', 'Yaad Le Timro' and many others. He is considered to be the first real popstar of Nepal with a huge number of fans. One of the most popular and the hit album of Nabin are ‘Aawas’ then comes other like, G-Major, Smriti, Smriti Re-loaded etc. His latest album ‘Nakchyatra’ has just hit the market a month back.

1. Raharai Raharma
2. Aavas
3. Smriti
4. Samjhana
5. Samarpan
6. Nabin
7. The Blue
8. Smriti Re-loaded
9. G Major
10. Nakshetrah

Songs Lyrics of Nabin K Bhattarai:

Artist: Nabin K. Bhattarai
Songs: A jhari

ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी..२
एकान्त यो रातमा मलाई पागल गरी
झरी देऊ तिमी सुश्तरी सुश्तरी
जब हुन्छिन् मेरी मायालु मेरो वरिपरि
ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी
ए मेघ नगर्जिदेऊ यसरी
निन्द्रामा मस्त भएकी मेरी मायालु तर्सने गरि..२
गर्जिदेऊ तिमी रातै थर्कने गरी
जब हास्छिन मेरी मायालु मेरो अंगालोमा परी
ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी
ए बिजुलि नचम्कि देऊ यसरी
मेरी मायालुको आँखा तिर्मिराउने गरि..२
चम्किदेऊन तिमी अन्धकार भाग्नेगरि
मेरी मायालुको हसिलो अनुहार देख्‌ने गरी
ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी..२
एकान्त यो रातमा मलाई पागल गरी
झरी देऊ तिमी सुश्तरी सुश्तरी
जब हुन्छिन् मेरी मायालु मेरो वरिपरि
ए झरी नझरी देऊ यसरी..२

Artist: Nabin K. Bhattarai
Songs: Yaad

याद साँची कल्पि बस्छु छायाँ संगै झस्कि रहन्छु
आज फेरि रुन्छु म किन किन..२
दुख्यो मुटु चर्क्यो छाती मेरो यादमा
तिम्रो यादमा..२
हेरु कति आखैं थाक्छ आखा चिम्ले रातै पर्छ
रात भरि जाग्छु म किन किन..२
दुख्यो मुटु चर्क्यो छाती मेरो यादमा
तिम्रो यादमा..२
याद साँची कल्पि बस्छु छायाँ संगै झस्कि रहन्छु आज फेरि रुन्छु म किन किन..२
दुख्यो मुटु चर्क्यो छाती मेरो यादमा
तिम्रो यादमा..३

Music videos for folk rock band Nepathya :

Folk rock band Nepathya is set to release their four new music videos produce by Kiran Krishna Shrestha of nepa~laya. Kantipur Television’s chief producer Bhusan Dahal directed all the music videos, which are from their upcoming eighth album Mero Desh. Both the album and the videos are produced by nepa~laya.

Among songs visualised are Mero Desh, Juna Jhain, Kasaile Sodhe and Aama, which is an original from their last album Ghatana. “There was a great danger of the music videos being monotonous, which the director has nicely tackled,” producer Shrestha told.

The music video Mero Desh penned by the poet Bikram Subba, features frontman Amrit alongside artist David Douglas painting his interpretation of the song. Juna Jhain is a story with lead role by Raju Yakacha as the husband of a young working class couple who takes an utmost care to keep his pregnant wife at ease. The filmmaker revealed the pregnant women symbolised the country as we seek our new identity.

Nepathya new album - Mero desh

Nepathaya :

      Nepathya (Nepali:नेपथ्य also spelled - Nepathaya) is a popular Nepalese music band that was formed by 3 students from Pokhara, studying in Kathmandu, Nepal in the early 1990s. Nepathya is best known for its blending of folk melodies into new, youth-friendly pop and rock tune. Since its inception, Nepathya has gained consistent popularity and recognition. Nepathya’s songs also portray contemporary of the talented band. The moving force behind this band is Amrit Gurung, wears Gandhian frames ( supposed to have been presented to him from an aunt of his who was a staunch follower of M.K. Gandhi) and sings songs about peace and harmony. His songs encompass all of Nepal and is not limited to Kathmandu Valley. By hobby he is a photographer and a traveller. He has been to more than 70 of 75 districts of Nepal, most of them on foot. Nepathya has seen many changes in its band's line up. But the founder and the brain behind Nepathya is unfazed. Says he "Being in Nepathya is like being part of a serious journey. Anyone who deviates from team spirit and artistic commitment, find it hard to stay with the team."

1974 AD:

 Formation Of Band:

      1974 AD is a Nepali rock band, formed by the group of teachers from Gyanodaya School in Kathmandu, Nepal in the early 90s. The founding members included guitarist Phiroj Shyangden, bassist Nirakar Yakthumba, drummer Bhanu They experiment with various genre of music including Nepali folk, ragas, rock, funk, blues and jazz as well. 1974 AD are amongst the most successful recording artists in Nepal. Most of their albums are ranked among the top-ten best-selling album. There concert named 'Rock Yatra' in 2000 AD was watched by more than 60,000 people. This is the largest attendance for a concert in Nepal.
    Songs and albums produced by 1974 AD are usually in the Nepali language. Lyrics include themes of patriotism, Nepali virtues, unity, love and nationalism. There is a lot of variety in the music of 1974 AD. They have successfully tried various genres of music.
     The band was very popular in the Kathmandu and Lalitpur rock scene in mid 90s even before they started churning out big hits like "Mayalule" and other tunes. But the release of their debut album established them as a household name in Nepali music. Their compositions which includes lyrics on patriotism, self pride as a Nepali and love and unity amongst Nepali people are big hits in Nepali pop culture. They have come up with songs that has helped the nation unite and express the mutual feelings at times of big changes in country as in the form of political and other big events. The songs can be melodic but at the same time very dark with the lyrics and message it carries. The music covers various genres like heavy metal, hard rock, blues, reggae and funk/soul.
